Silverdale, WA – A chiropractor focuses on issues relating to your spine and nervous system as a whole. Chiropractic care also provides a drug-free and noninvasive means of getting the relief you need and deserve.Everyday life can take its toll on your body. Stress from physical overuse and injury can lead to imbalances in the nervous system as well as other parts of your body. This is where chiropractic shines. It provides one of the safest forms of treatment for a number of issues including neck and back pain, headaches, muscle tightness and more.
A chiropractor typically perform adjustments to your body to help correct issues with alignment, supporting your body’s ability to heal itself. These adjustments can help to both improve overall function and provide pain relief.

“The Doctor Of The Future…
will give no medicine but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Thomas Edison
I am thankful for Dr Tony Lane and will always recommend him because not only am I getting mobility back in my shoulders, but my all around health and pain level are also improving as well.
Georganna C.
Tony goes beyond the expected to help his patients not only feel better but to maintain their health. He takes time to carefully explain, in layman’s terms, what the problem is and how he will work with you to get you out of and keep you out of pain.
Steve S.